Saturday 27 January 2007

I Know What You're Thinking

And the answer is yes: mild curry flavour.

Not that I see the point of curry coming in anything other than melt your face flavour. But, then again, my ability to eat spicy food does frighten most of the people that I meet. I'm probably lucky that I haven't yet been kidnapped by a travelling circus and put in the freak show.

Mind you, those of us that haven't been kidnapped by a travelling circus for any reason whatsoever are all very lucky.

Anyway, getting back to what's important here, mild curry was the only flavour in the cupboard. It seems that I was wrong yesterday when I stated that we'd bought some more.

Note to self: stock up on Super Noodles before the offer ends.

Thought For The Day

For those of you that this applies to, think about how you've never been kidnapped by a travelling circus, and think yourselves very, very lucky indeed.

For those of you who have been kidnapped by a travelling circus, think about ways to escape whilst maiming as many of the bastards as possible in the process.


Anonymous said...

My Dad keeps telling everyone that due to a hospital mix-up there is a family of orangutans out there wondering why they have a non-hairy son

Also, Bombay Bad Boy ftw!

The Zinc Stoat said...

Best Pot Noodle variety ever! I had one only yesterday.
It was hot, but not as hot as the phall I had from my local takeaway the day before...
I can hear noises outside. The circus better not have found me.

Anonymous said...

Gah! We haven't got a local Indian takeaway. The curry sauces from the chip shops is something that looks like lumpy gravy, it contains bits of onion and is about as spicy as a non spicy thing. I feel a trip to some old stomping grounds coming on (maybe take a detour with my canoe hunting gun)

Pot Noodles sandwiches are to die for. If I didn't feel like adding the sauce to the pot noodle i'll save it and add it a pan of baked beans for spicy goodness.

I'll assume you haven't been captured and put on display in a cage.

The Zinc Stoat said...

I told them that I lived next door, and they believed me.

Can your canoe hunting gun take down clowns?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately not, you need a

To quote Herman Melville's 'Moby Boffo'

From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned clown.

It is our task in life to kill clowns, to furnish oil for the lamps of the world. If we perform that task well and faithfully, we do a service to mankind that pleases Almighty God.

Valerie Moss said...

Wise words indeed. Being forced to eat nought but hotdogs and candyfloss, and having to bed down with the elephants is not a good experience. Also clowns, I hate em!