Sunday 7 January 2007

Did He Or Didn't He?

So, the big question today:

Hiccups the ferret – did he, or did he not, eat a scrunched up piece of foil last night?

I gave him an enormous dollop of hairball laxative right before putting him to bed, and some of it seems to have worked itself through. He's not up to speed with his brother, though.

Now, is that just because he's smaller? Is it because he eats less in general? Or is it because he's eaten a rolled up piece of foil that may or may not have been on the coffee table last night?

The foil isn't there now. But is that because it's been eaten by an inquisitive ferret, or because it was never there in the first place?

Who knows?

All I do know is that much of today is going involve one or both or us poking through sloppy ferret poo with a stick.

We should really be less careless in future. I'd hate for a fire to break out.


Anonymous said...

Have you tried just asking him?

The Zinc Stoat said...

Yes, I thought of that.
He just licked my nose and said nothing.