Tuesday 22 May 2007

Home & Away

Not that I'd ordinarily watch this nonsense, but Female Housemate was watching Home and Away earlier.

Now, I admit that I used to watch this soap opera religiously when I was a child but – really – what a load of old drivel!

Maybe I just caught the script writers on a particularly bad day, but I don't believe that conversations with members of law enforcement agencies do generally go like this:

Police-type: Sorry, but there's nothing we can do.

Regular cast member: But—

Police-type: Oh, alright, then. But just this once.

OK, yes, so I will admit that wasn't quite how the script went – it is a very, very approximate rendition, based on a complete lack of interest at the time and a failing memory – but I'm sure that really was about the size of it.

If I used to avidly watch nonsense like that as a child then, frankly, it's a wonder I turned out normal.