Wednesday 16 May 2007

Crunchy Biscuits

And so it would seem that an unfortunate side-effect of keeping any dry-food-eating pet in your bedroom is the horrible crunching noise that you have to endure whilst you are trying to sleep.

And, yes, they probably are trying to keep me awake on purpose.

In fact, they are both a bit disgruntled at the moment, as they have hardly left their cage in some time. I was hoping to have been able to let them out before now, but the room is still is such a state that I really can't risk it yet. So, in a moment of rebellion earlier, Biscuits decided to knock one of the litter trays over, into their bedding.

Yes, that really showed me.

I hoovered up most of the litter, but left them lots of crumbs to enjoy while they were trying to sleep.

Heh. I'll fix their wagon.