Saturday 24 March 2007

You'll Like This; Not A Lot, But You'll Like It

I met an interesting man today.

I was driving to Bath to visit some friends, and I stopped off at some motorway services, fancying a coffee.

It turns out that – randomly – WHSmith's now have a cappuccino/latte/espresso machine. It's self-service, so you get an empty cup and operate the machine yourself. Then you take the finished drink to the till.

Well, I pressed the buttons, watched the froth ooze out, added some sugar, and finally popped a plastic lid on the resulting concoction. Then I went to pay for it, and the guy behind the till rang up latte without even asking me.

I asked him how he knew what drink I had, and he informed me that he was "magical in ways I will never understand".

Just how do you possibly respond to that?