Saturday 10 February 2007

Well, On The Plus Side…

… we've just saved ourselves about £5 in taxi fairs.

Admittedly, we had to trudge through heavy rain, up about half a mile of bypass – with no pavement, and whilst having to step up into the sopping marshland by the roadside every time a car came (which was alarmingly frequently – and then along a further half mile or so home.

I am absolutely bedraggled. My trousers are soaked as far up the leg at the back as my knees, and covered in mud. My shoes are soaked. My socks are – randomly – also sopping wet. My hair is dripping down my back.

But, it's all good because we saved a fiver.


Anonymous said...

I once swam to Ethiopia to save £18.

Worth every penny, as I spent my savings on an original Empire Strikes Back programme for the Leicester Odeon (8pm showing) from the sixth day of release.