Thursday, 15 October 2009

An Important Milestone Indeed

I am aware that Hasbro — a manufacturer of many fine children's games and toys, in my opinion — have a gimmick involving making simplified versions of some of their classic games, in order (I presume) to make them more accessible for younger children.

The simple clue to the identify of these games, is the addition of the words My and First at the beginning of the title.

Fair enough.

I am left wondering, however, just how much they thought this approach through when they came up with this:

My First Operation game
My First Operation: lucky, lucky me.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Which Came First, The Chicken Or Four-Legged Chicken/Dinosaur Thing?

Any idea what this is?

ELC's Nuts and Bolts Builder
Kinda like a chicken, but with two many legs. And not nearly enough wings.

It looks great, but I have no clue as to what the model is meant to actually be.

It's like some sort of prehistoric chicken.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Bad Dream, I Hope

I dreamed last night that a huge spider crawled into bed with me, wanting to snuggle.

I woke up worrying about what had prompted me to dream that.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Something Fishy

I watched a TV show about monster fish this evening.

I have decided that I would not want to meet a goliath tigerfish up a dark alley.

Unless it was a particularly dry alley and the fish had been there for quite some time.

Sunday, 11 October 2009


According to the sales blurb on websites selling Hedbanz, the game is the 'classic' one of What's On My Head?

Hedbanz for kids
Yes, just what, indeed, is on my head?

I'm pretty sure that I am aware of the game they're trying to describe here, but — although, maybe it's just me who thinks this — I do think they could have articulated it in a slightly more specific and somewhat less disturbing manner.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Poor Sod

According to something I read, somebody in the UK has a heart attack every two minutes.

That's one hell of an unlucky bastard.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Brutally Honest Advertising?

Am I the only one who finds it deeply disturbing to drive through town and see a sign over a shop that says Family Butcher?

That doesn't strike me as the sort of thing you'd want to advertise.

Unless, I suppose, you're planning the classic double bluff when the police come sniffing around, quizzing you about missing families.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

