Tuesday 6 May 2008

Yeah Yeah

Too busy, sorry. And have been for a fair while now.

I'll be back when I've got more free time than sense again.

In the meantime, might I recommend that you read a book or watch a movie? Or — dare I say it — try getting out more? I understand there they have such wonderful things as grass and squirrels and caribou in the great outdoors. Why not go and see what sorts of exciting adventures they're having?

And — who knows — if you take some Post-it* notes, you could even post a comment or two.

* Other brands of re-positional notes are available.


Anonymous said...

Where would one get these post-it notes?

The Zinc Stoat said...

One what?

Valerie Moss said...

Hi, how are you?
Ugh, sunlight, I hate it. Especially after getting totally sh*tfaced the night before. I'd much rather look at this nice, mainly black webpage.
Keep posting
Val x